Sunday, February 28, 2010

Multiple Intelligences Test

It has been a while since I last posted something, but much more is coming up, so stay tuned!

Okay, moving on. Here is a little extra something that is very interesting.

Guess what? It's a multiple intelligence test! Huh? Boring, you say. Well, it is not really so. At first, I also had the same mindset. But then, after taking this test, I must say it is really interesting and beneficial.

This test utilises specific questions according to how each type of person would react, for example if you are musical (one who loves music/music smart), the question would be: do you enjoy making music?

At the end of the test, you will be given your results. Ta-daa! You now know what attribute fits you most! You can be a naturalistic person (nature smart), kinaesthetic (body smart), linguistic (word smart), logical (number smart), interpersonal (people smart), intrapersonal (myself smart), musical (music smart) or visual/spatial (picture smart).

I myself am more of linguistic and interpersonal, which basically means that I interact well with people and I am better in language than in other subjects like math or music. This benefits me in a way that I relate better with people, as well as speaking languages more fluently.

I feel that this test really helps you a lot. It tells you which way allows you to learn and interact better. For those people who desperately want good results, you can use your newly discovered 'learning way' to study better. For those who want to make more friends, this can also be used to interact better. Overall, I think that you should really take it as it is worth a shot; not more than ten minutes.

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